June 18, 2006

Something else again: Happy Father's Day...

...to all the marvelous and exciting fathers I know, especially my own father and the father of my children. There's nothing like an anniversary and Father's Day back-to-back to remind you of how very lucky you are.

From Danny, The Champion of the World by Roald Dahl:
"Good," I said. "Lovely." I reached out and slid my hand into his. He folded his long fingers around my fist and held it tight, and we walked on toward the village where soon the two of us would be inspecting all the different ovens with great care and talking to Mr. Wheeler personally about them.

And after that, we would walk home again and make up some sandwiches for our lunch.

And after that, we would set off with the sandwiches in our pockets, striding up over Cobblers Hill and down the other side to the small wood of larch trees that had the stream running through it.

And after that?

Perhaps a big rainbow trout.

And after that?

There would be something else after that.

And after that?

Ah yes, something else again.

Because what I am trying to tell you...

What I have been trying so hard to tell you all along is simply that my father, without the slightest doubt, was the most marvelous and exciting father a boy ever had.

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