December 19, 2006

A friend in need

My homeschooling friend Frankie over at Kitchen Table Learners, and her son Thomas, have the true spirit of Christmas. Frankie wrote a post the other day about a Pittsburgh, PA, home educating family with six children who last week lost everything, including Christmas presents and homeschool items, in a house fire, the result of an electrical malfunction. You can read the the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article here. As the reporter wrote, father Ricco Brown said he is "especially concerned...because his wife home-schooled the children, and all of their books and a computer were lost in the fire". Of his children, Mr. Brown said, "They didn't just lose their house, they lost their school...I don't know what I'm going to tell them. Their whole world just got ripped away from them, right before Christmas. I just don't have words for this."

Frankie has words, including contact information where you can send donations (in care of the neighboring United Church, which also sustained damage). Thank you, Frankie, for your work in tracking down the information, spreading the news, and your big heart.

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