October 26, 2006

Here's the thing...

It's not a debate, great or otherwise, just because Phil McGraw says it is -- or allegedly says it is, because while the show has been taped, it hasn't aired yet and for some no doubt very interesting reason isn't scheduled to air tomorrow as originally planned -- especially with no proper rulebook for arguments, just a one-sided tease of a Texas playbook.

Home education, like the public, private, or parochial school system, is not a debate but a choice, a great choice for many of us. And I refuse to debate our family's choice with anyone, not bushwhacking, ambushing doctors and behavioral psychologists, the neighbor down the road, or the nosy lady in the supermarket.

For those interested in proper debating skills, unlike what passes for debate in the rarely edifying and not always entertaining entertainment industry, here are some resources:

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, edited by Harold Holzer

Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student by Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors

A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston

Basic Debate by Leslie Phillips, William S. Hicks, and Douglas R. Springer

Forensics: The Winner's Guide to Speech Contests by Brent C. Oberg

Pros and Cons: A Debater's Handbook by Trevor Sather

Speak Out! Debate and Public Speaking in the Middle Grades by John Meany and Kate Shuster, published by the International Debate Education Association (IDEA)

And last but certainly not least, the aforementioned International Debate Education Association

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