May 27, 2006

Summer reading list time: Canadiana

While browsing around the other day looking for an audio CD version of W.O. Mitchell's Who Has Seen the Wind, which seems to available through interlibrary loan only in audiocassette edition, I was reminded that online CanLit specialist Northwest Passages (based in real life in Vancouver) has what is probably the largest set of Canadian literature links on the Internet, from book, author, publisher, and literary award lists to some lovely poetry sites, author websites and more. A truly public-spirited gift.

Also, while Northwest Passages is an online bookseller, there are people there behind the computers, specifically people who know and read and love books. Which include Canadian fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and literary criticism, with a special link on the main page for "Hockey Lit" (not to be confused with "Hockey Writing in Canada"). There are also links for "Multimedia" where you can find lots of books, including Who Has Seen the Wind, on audio cd.

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