May 24, 2006

Impromptu reading festival

The past seven days have been a blur, but after one rainy day and the promise of several more to come before the weekend, I'm feeling ready to relax. And what better way than with some of my favorite online blogging friends, who've come prepared with a spontaneous carnival of books! Jen Robinson's Book Page has a fun Sunday Afternoon Visits entry, chockablock with links. And assuming you had them all read within a few days, Kelly at Big A little a stepped into the breach with her Tuesday Review Roundup. Both were more than kind enough to include a link to my recent post on travel books about children's lit locations.

And I've been remiss in my erratic blogging not mentioning that the latest edition of The Edge of the Forest: A Children's Literature Monthly is up, with a bunch of articles including a review of Bodies From the Ash: Life and Death in Ancient Pompeii by James Deems, about which reviewer Liz Burns writes, "This isn't about history that is dead and buried in the past; it's about history that is alive." Liz also reviews the movie version of Cornelia Funke's Thief Lord, which was released straight to DVD. And don't miss the Kid Picks column, where every month Edge talks to group of kids about their favorite books. This month, Fuse #8, New York City blogging children's librarian extraordinaire, chats up her homeschool group at The Donnell Central Children's Room, where the kids put in a plug for Freddy the Pig, Jack London, and Jules Feiffer's A Room with a Zoo. And don't miss the link to the Multnomah County Library's website, which offers tips on how other libraries can start their own children's book discussion books. Just the sort of info a homeschooling family might want to pass along to its favorite librarian.

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